50% off a running tour of Minneapolis

Today’s Twin Cities daily deal is $12-22 for a running tour of Minneapolis.  This sounds like a great way to see the city and learn the neat running routes!  Multiple distances and tours available (cost varies based on distance).

Come on a running tour with us in Minneapolis! Explore some of the 50 miles of trails, many of which go around the 22 lakes or through the 170 parks! Home to an extensive Parks system, top attractions, great history, and beautiful waterways, Minneapolis is a hidden gem for runners to explore, learn, and have fun!

While discussing the City’s history and pointing out the landmarks, our routes will highlight world class sporting venues including Target Field, a few of the 100 theatres and 50 museums including the world renown Guthrie Theatre & Walker Art Center. Enjoy Minneapolis with the locals – by RUNNING with City Running Tours – Minneapolis! Experience the main attractions, learn key historical facts, and have fun while going for a run!