Bill Murray Mobile Dance Party

I want you - go get down and boogie on your bike

The Scary Scantily Clad Dancy Ride  was cancelled due to rain but there are more upcoming opportunities for you to get your mobile-bike-party/pub crawl on!  Tipsy Bike’s next event is coming up August 14th!

Numerous reputable news outlets have reported on Bill Murray’s potential plan to crash random parties across the US in an amazing feet of party prowess over the course of an almost continuous day in, day out month plus schedule.

In the aftermath of Bill Murray’s final decision to either venture forth on the most epic party tour ever or cop out in complete and total lameness… We’ll throw an amazing party filled shindig complete with booty bouncing tunes, lights and lasers in Mr. Murray’s honor or to deride this comic genius’s memory accordingly in a similar fashion.

The event will be mobile (by way of the bicycle) so as to ensure that if B.M. does arrive in Minneapolis – we’ll find em!

We’re thoroughly impartial, but love to get down and do enjoy humor on occasion. As such this is our answer to these uncertain times: To hell with certainty! Let’s party!

In the words of the almighty yet painfully human Bill Murray:

“There are two types of people in this world: those who like Neil Diamond and those who don’t.”

Let’s see if his walk is as good as his talk.

Bring yo bike!

More info TBA, RSVP on Facebook to receive event updates.