Discount tickets: Booty and the Beast: A Tinderella Story

Searching for your Prince Not-Alarming? Wondering why your work spouse keeps texting you eggplant emojis? Then do we have a show for you!

Relationships of all kinds are the focus of this sketch comedy revue by the experts at Brave New Workshop – so get your dating app of choice fired up, set your text messages to “No Preview,” and enjoy our 294th comedy revue: “Booty and the Beast: A Tinderella Story”!

“Booty and the Beast: A Tinderella Story” will feature BNW cast members Lauren Anderson, Denzel Belin, Ryan Nelson, Taj Ruler and Tom Reed. The show will be directed by Caleb McEwen. Jon Pumper will be the music director, and Matthew Vichlach will provide technical direction.

Goldstar has a limited number of discount tickets to The Brave New Workshop’s latest review, Booty and the Beast: A Tinderella Story.  Booty and The Beast opens February 11, 2017 and runs through June 24, 2017.