Free tickets to ‘Neighbors’ at Mixed Blood Theatre

Neighbors is playing at the Mixed Blood Theatre starting September 15.  With Mixed Blood’s ‘Raidcal Hospitality‘ program, anyone can attend this show for FREE.

Shockingly subversive and wickedly hilarious, Neighbors comments on black-and-whiteness in America with fearless intelligence. The take-no-prisoners comedy suggests that the complexities of race relations are almost too disturbing to consider—yet far too urgent to ignore.

The plot is surreal; the issues, real and damning. An upwardly mobile African American professor, his white wife and biracial daughter witness the arrival of new neighbors, a loud and raucous family of black entertainers, each friendly but with an edge of anger. In its scathing exploration of denial and satire of black entertainment from minstrelsy to hip hop, Neighbors makes clear that we do not live in a post-race America.

Free tickets are issued on a first come, first served, basis: Mixed Blood holds a significant number of seats for no-cost admission on a first come, first served basis for each performance. To access these seats, provide your contact information by registering online or in the lobby (lobby opens two hours prior to the show). Seating begins 45 minutes before show time and is open (no assigned seats).