Greek in the Street

Join The Gonzo Group Theatre for Greek in the Street, featuring FREE family fun, games, food trucks and Greek Comedy.

Athens is caught in the throes of war, debt, and unrest. Onto this dire scene walk the god Dionysus and his servant Xanthias, on their way to Hades to seek advice from the poet Euripides. Finding him caught in a death match with Aeschylus for the title of greatest poet, they decide to bring the winner back to Athens to save civilization, as only a poet is able.

July 13-14 & 20-21
6-10pm (performance starts at 7:30pm)
Frogtown Square
600 University Ave. W.
St. Paul
IN CASE OF RAIN: 275 East Fourth (The Baroque Room is Suite 280), Saint Paul MN 55101 (2nd floor of the Northwestern Bldg right next to the Farmer’s Market in Lowertown)