Happy Campers: Become art!

Have you ever wanted to be the subject of an art piece or get involved with creating art even if you have no artistic ability yourself?  This just might be the opportunity you’ve been looking for.  Local artist Bill Cravis is seeking participants for his new art installation HAPPY CAMPERS.

HAPPY CAMPERS, when finished, will be a multi-channel digital video. Six video monitors will be arranged in a campfire circle, projecting inward. Appearing on each monitor will be a series of individual motorists (including YOU), each singing a few choruses of Row Your Boat. Voices will interweave: the result will be at times harmonious, at times cacophonous. In any event, it will be fun for participants and audience alike.

Bill received a $10,000 grant from the MN State Arts Board to complete this project but he still needs participants in order to pull it off.  For more information on the project and how you can participate, click here!